
A special retreat to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita. 

On this special retreat for men who have asked for ordination and dharmacharis we will be celebrating the life and teachings of our beloved teacher, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order, Urgyen Sangharakshita.

Urgyen Sangharakshita is the name that Bhante was given by his teacher Kachu Rinpoche at the time of initiating Bhante into the Sadhana of Guru Padmasambhava.

Urgyen is the mysterious land where Guru Padmasambhava was born, a place of wonders, mysteries and profound spiritual depths. When Kachu Rinpoche gave him this name, it suggested to Bhante that his true home was in the mysterious land of Urgyen.

Certainly, in the tradition of Padmasambhava, Bhante is a multi-dimensioned person, with many mysteries and depths. So, in this special retreat, through talks and study groups, meditations and pujas, we will contemplate and celebrate Urgyen Sangharakshita's spiritual depths, allowing those depths to influence and transform us here and now.

Padmaloka itself is profoundly connected to both Padmasambhava and Urgyen Sangharakshita. When Bhante founded the retreat centre, which was his home for many years, he named it Padmaloka. He told us that this is one of the names of Padmasambhava’s Pure Land, so it is fitting that we celebrate Bhante here at Padmaloka on the hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Led by
Padmavajra and Team
Retreat Open To:
Men training for ordination & Dharmacharis
Retreat Type
Booking Availability
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Coming on retreat

Coming on a retreat at Padmaloka is a step into another way of being, where we temporarily take up a way of life that is more supportive of Buddhist Practice. We go forth from our ordinary circumstances, our comforts and distractions so that we can discern and move towards our ideals and help others to do so as well.When booking a retreat at Padmaloka it is important to get a sense of how you will be living here - what our customs, etiquettes and requirements for being on retreat are.

Frequently asked questions

Upcoming Retreats
14 Mar
16 Mar
14 Mar
Great Gathering: The Ideal of Human Enlightenment
16 Mar
21 Mar
16 Mar
Men’s European Mitra Convenors’ Meeting 1‍
21 Mar
28 Mar
21 Mar
What is the Order?
28 Mar
30 Mar
28 Mar
Fathers’ Retreat: The Creative Mind