5-Day Going for Refuge: The Essential Liberating Dharma

In What is the Western Buddhist Order?, Bhante tells us what the fundamental doctrines of the

Triratna Buddhist Order are. He says: ‘At the doctrinal level, I see the teaching of pratitya-samutpada as most basic and from it follow the teachings of the Four Noble Truths, the twelve and twenty-four nidanas, and also the teachings concerning Nirvana, anatman,and sunyata. My teaching of Dharma as doctrine is essentially based upon and derived from, directly or indirectly, these teachings that, of course, go back to the Buddha himself. And I explicitly exclude whatever ideas are incompatible with them.’

On this short Going for Refuge retreat, we will be looking at some of these essential doctrines, making every effort to establish a clear understanding of their content and meaning.Knowing and living by these doctrines is an indispensable part of the Buddha’s path to liberation.

Details and Timings

The retreat starts with dinner on the first day at 6:30pm and finishes on the final day at 10.15am.

Banner and thumbnail image: cropped painting by Aloka ©

Led by
The Ordination Team
Retreat Open To:
Open to men who have asked for ordination and Dharmacharis
Retreat Type
GFR Retreat
Booking Availability
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Coming on retreat

Coming on a retreat at Padmaloka is a step into another way of being, where we temporarily take up a way of life that is more supportive of Buddhist Practice. We go forth from our ordinary circumstances, our comforts and distractions so that we can discern and move towards our ideals and help others to do so as well.When booking a retreat at Padmaloka it is important to get a sense of how you will be living here - what our customs, etiquettes and requirements for being on retreat are.

Frequently asked questions

Upcoming Retreats
2 Mar
9 Mar
2 Mar
Essential Meditation
14 Mar
16 Mar
14 Mar
Great Gathering: The Ideal of Human Enlightenment
16 Mar
21 Mar
16 Mar
Men’s European Mitra Convenors’ Meeting 1‍
21 Mar
28 Mar
21 Mar
What is the Order?